Run a Function on Data Change

  • Capella Operational
      Use the Eventing Service to handle data changes that happen when code is executed in response to document mutations or as scheduled by Timers.

      Eventing Service

      The Eventing Service executes user-defined business logic and responds in real time whenever applications interact and cause your data to change. This change in data is known as a document mutation, and includes operations such as insert, delete, update, and expiration.

      You can use the Eventing Service to:

      • Monitor specific parameters in a document

      • Set alerts in a document when a preconfigured threshold is breached

      • Propagate data changes inside a database

      • Enrich documents in real time

      • Cascade deletes to avoid orphaned documents

      Eventing Functions

      The Eventing Service can run one or more Eventing Functions in your database to handle data changes according to a real-time Event-Condition-Action model. Eventing Functions are standalone JavaScript fragments that trigger in real time as a response to document mutations.

      Eventing Functions allow you to:

      • Integrate with the Data Service to:

        • Read, write, and delete documents

        • Work with Atomic Counters, CAS, and TTLS

      • Integrate with the Query Service to use inline SQL++ queries or statements

      • Enable a Timer to schedule functions to run in the future

      • Interact with external REST endpoints through cURL functionality

      You can access Eventing Functions by going to Data Tools  Eventing. The Eventing Functions table includes the following:

      Feature Description

      Function Name

      The name of the Function.

      Source Bucket

      The source bucket of the events or mutations.

      Source Scope

      The source scope of the events or mutations.

      Source Collection

      The source collection of the events or mutations.


      View and debug with Function Logs.

      View JavaScript

      View and edit the Function’s JavaScript.


      View and edit the Function’s settings.


      The status of the Function. The status can be either in a stable state of Deployed, Undeployed, or Paused, or in a transitory state of Deploying, Undeploying, or Pausing.

      More options (⋮)

      Used to deploy, undeploy, export, pause, or delete a Function.