Provide Feedback

  • Capella Operational
      You can provide feedback through the Couchbase Capella UI.

      Provide Feedback Using the Couchbase Capella UI

      The Couchbase Capella UI enables you to provide your feedback to the Couchbase Capella team.

      To provide feedback:

      1. Next to your user profile, click Get Help  Provide Feedback.

      2. Complete the Provide Feedback fields to describe your feedback.

        Field Description


        In a few words, provide a summary of your feedback.


        Enter a detailed description of your feedback. If you’re describing what you think is a bug, it can be very helpful to the Couchbase Capella team if you provide details that you think can help reproduce the issue.


        Enter the email address of the organization user that’s to be recognized as the submitter of the feedback. This field automatically populates with the email address of the organization user who’s creating the ticket, but it can be changed to any user in your organization.


        If your feedback is for a specific project, select the project. Only the projects of which you’re a member display in this menu.


        If your feedback is for a specific cluster, select the cluster. Only clusters from the project that you selected in the Project drop-down display in this menu.

      3. Click Submit Feedback.