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Setting Email Notifications

  • reference
    Alert settings specify whether email alerts are sent and the events that trigger emails. This is a global setting for all clusters. Authentication is required to read this value.

    Getting Alert Settings

    Email alerts can be dispatched automatically when a significant error occurs — see Email Alerts.

    HTTP method and URI

    GET /settings/alerts


    Curl request syntax:

    curl -u [admin]:[password ]

    Raw HTTP request syntax:

    GET /settings/alerts HTTP/1.1
    Host: [localhost]:8091
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= Accept: */*


    Curl request example:

    curl -u Administrator:password

    Raw HTTP request example:

    GET /settings/alerts HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= Accept: */*


        "alerts": [
        "emailServer": {
            "encrypt": false,
            "host": "localhost",
            "pass": "",
            "port": 25,
            "user": ""
        "enabled": false,
        "recipients": [
        "sender": "couchbase@localhost"
    For security reasons, the pass field of the emailServer is always empty.

    Response codes

    Possible errors include:

    This endpoint isn't available yet.

    Enabling and disabling email notifications

    HTTP method and URI

    This is a global setting for all clusters. Authentication is required to change this value. If this is enabled, Couchbase Server sends an email when certain events occur. Only events related to auto-failover trigger notification.

    POST /settings/alerts

    Possible parameters include:

    • alerts (string) (optional, default: auto_failover_node, auto_failover_maximum_reached, auto_failover_other_nodes_down, auto_failover_cluster_too_small). Comma separated list of alerts that should cause an email to be sent. Possible values are: auto_failover_node, auto_failover_maximum_reached, auto_failover_other_nodes_down, auto_failover_cluster_too_small.

    • enabled : (true | false) (required). Whether to enable or disable email notifications

    • sender (string) (optional, default: couchbase@localhost). Email address of the sender.

    • recipients (string) (required). A comma separated list of recipients of the of the emails.

    • emailServer host (string) (optional, default: localhost). Host address of the SMTP server

    • emailServer port (integer) (optional, default: 25). Port of the SMTP server

    • emailServer encrypt (true | false) (optional, default: false). Whether you want to use TLS or not

    • emailServer user (string) (optional, default: ""): Username for the SMTP server

    • emailServer pass (string) (optional, default: ""): Password for the SMTP server


    Curl request syntax:

    curl -i -u [admin]:[password]
        -d [parameter]


    Curl request example:

    curl -i -u Administrator:password \ \
        -d 'enabled=true&sender=couchbase@,membi@ \'

    Raw request example:

    POST /settings/alerts HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
    Content-Length: 14 enabled=true&sender=couchbase@,membi@localhost&emailHost= \�

    Response codes

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Possible HTTP errors include:

    400 Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized
    JSON object ({"errors": {"key": "error"}}) with errors.

    Possible errors returned in a JSON document include:

    • alerts: alerts contained invalid keys. Valid keys are: [list_of_keys].

    • email_encrypt: emailEncrypt must be either true or false.

    • email_port: emailPort must be a positive integer less than 65536.

    • enabled: enabled must be either true or false.

    • recipients: recipients must be a comma separated list of valid email addresses.

    • sender: sender must be a valid email address.

    • general: No valid parameters given.

    Sending test emails

    HTTP method and URI

    POST /settings/alerts/sendTestEmail


    Curl request syntax:

    curl -i -u admin:password
        http://localhost:8091/settings/alerts/testEmail \
        -d [parameter]

    Raw HTTP request syntax

    POST /settings/alerts/sendTestEmail HTTP/1.1
    Host: [localhost]:8091
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=


    Curl request example:

    curl -i -u Administrator:password \ \
        -d 'subject=Test+email+from+Couchbase& \
        body=This+email+was+sent+to+you+to+test+the+email+alert+email+server+settings.&enabled=true& \
        recipients=vmx%4010.5.2.54&sender=couchbase%4010.5.2.54& \
        emailUser=&emailPass=&emailHost= \
        alerts=auto_failover_node%2Cauto_ \

    Raw HTTP request example:

    POST /settings/alerts/sendTestEmail HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=

    Response codes

    Possible response code include:

    200 OK
    400 Bad Request: Unknown macro: {"error"} 401 Unauthorized
    This endpoint isn't available yet.